Yoga Poses After Sitting for Long Hours at Work

Even if you have the greatest intentions — such as going for a walk every hour or taking frequent breaks during your day job -sitting for long periods of time is harmful to your health.

Hunching over a desk can cause tight hips and legs, a weak core, and imbalances in your neck, upper back, and chest muscles.

We’re also more vulnerable to poor posture since we use keyboards, screens, and smartphones more frequently: excessively rounded shoulders and a projecting neck are typical.

A regular yoga session can help to counteract the ill effects of sitting for lengthy periods of time. However, if you’re new to yoga, try these 12 postures out to relieve tension in your body, reduce stress from a demanding job, and relax your mind.

Forearm Plank

A forearm plank targets your glutes and hamstrings, promotes good posture, improves balance, and helps to strengthen your core.

Place your hands shoulder-width apart and then descend to your forearms. Make the form of a number eleven: wrists are directly in front of elbows, elbows are directly beneath shoulders with your forearms.

Take a deep breath. Extend your legs, keeping them straight and parallel to one another. Push off from the ground with your hands to create momentum. Step back into a plank position with your feet all the way back.

Align your hips, shoulders, and heels into one long line of energy. Pull your belly in and up and flex your legs. Aim to stack your heels over toes with strong legs while keeping shoulders above elbows.

To develop endurance, hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or in 10-second increments.

Tip: Keep your neck in line with your spine by looking down between your hands. If this is too difficult, squat while keeping your abs engaged.

Warrior II

The Warrior Two is a dynamic, high-energy pose that builds strength in your legs, opens your hips and chest, improves circulation, and gives energy to your entire body.

Step your right foot forward and your left foot back. As you press down through your entire left foot, turn your left toes outward to the left. Bend your right knee, keeping it parallel to the ground, and stack your knee directly over your right ankle as your right toes point in the same direction.

Keeping your right knee from sagging toward your right big toe and pushing it back to the centre will assist you in maintaining a more upright posture. Both legs are powerful and active; squeeze your inner thighs. Sink your pelvis downward, as your lower belly and upper ribs knit together.

Align your shoulders with your hips, extend your arms out in either direction and keep your wrists in line with your shoulders. Look over the palm of your right hand.

Stand with your feet turned out about 20 degrees and hold for 3-5 deep breaths before shifting the left foot forward and completing the opposite side.


It tones your hip, back and ankle muscles while stretching your lower hamstrings, back and ankles. It also keeps your hip joints and pelvis healthy.

Step your feet farther apart than your hips and turn your toes outward. Squat down and extend your elbows to the inside of where your legs meet your thighs. Levelled hands, press together with forearms to ground.

The dome of your head should be broad. To create space between your shoulders and ears, extend the crown of your head up to the ceiling. With every breath, send your legs outward, hug your tummy tightly, and lift your chest while keeping your arms strong and active.

Hold for 3-5 breaths.

Tip: The ideal posture for this stretch is with your feet flat on the ground and depending on hip flexibility, you may get more out of stacking one or two yoga blocks under your seat for extra comfort.

Forward Fold Variation

If you’re having trouble breathing and your shoulder muscles are particularly hard, give this a try.

From a forward fold, clasp your hands together at the bottom of your back.

Raise your wrists and arms up as you thrust your chest forward.

Pull down your shoulders and toward the centre of your spine.

Tip: Keep your hips level with your heels and equally distributed through both feet.

Forward Fold

Another yoga posture that helps to improve your overall health and fitness is the standing forward fold. It stretches hips and hamstrings while strengthening thighs and knees.

When you’re stacking hips over heels, take your feet a hip-width distance apart or a bit wider. Placing your weight in the middle of each foot when you stack hips over heels is crucial.

Put your hands on the ground and stretch your back legs, let yourself know when to quit!

To relieve tension in your neck, hang your head and move it up and down, to the right and to the left.

Continue for three to five breaths.

Forward Fold Twist

For a greater stretch in your hamstrings and hips, consider performing a gentle twist from the standing forward fold.

Bend your knees and bring your right hand to the ground. Raise your left arm as high as possible, then slowly open your chest toward the left while keeping it level with each other.

Try bending your knees more deeply to discover more of a twist, but if you try to straighten your legs, you’ll feel a greater stretch in the backs of your thighs.

Hold for a few moments, then change sides.